I'm going to give the 2 codes to all future members then it'll be easier for you to join up. So all you need to do is type them in and then add a message. Please consult your emails and then give it a go. Good luck to everyone.
I'd like to ask you a question to get the ball rolling. What do you think about the new French law that'll ban smoking in bars!! Please click on comment and tell me what you think.
Don't forget to write your name at the end of the message.
Bye for now
Please have a read of these comments if you have a little time.
Le lien n'existe plus Juliet !
Depuis quelques jours on ne parle plus de ce projet de loi ... il y a d'autres sujets plus importants sans doute.
Je pense que la règle devrait-être de na plus fumer là où il y a du public. J'accepte que les fumeurs se poluent les poumons mais pas ceux de leurs voisins !
The name : JM Tisseau
Thanks for your comments Jean-Marie. I quite agree with you about smokers. I hate going to a bar and coming back stinking of cigarettes!! It's not just the smell that we need to worry about too!!
However, you're right we could spend our time trying to sort out other problems.
What did you think about the TV programme about J.Chirac!! It showed us what the world of politics is all about and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg!
Anyway have a good half-term break see you in November.
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