Solihull penfriends

Let's communicate in our own languages and learn how similar our differences may be!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


So if you don't know what the NWR is and even some people in England don't know...well you can go and look at their website. If you type NRW and Solihull you will find the site for the group in our twin town.

My Mum is a memeber of an NWR group where she lives.

It's an organisation for women to meet up and chat about lots of different subjects. To have talks/conferences/meals out etc.

I might go along to one of their meetings in May, as I'll be over in the UK for the trip. Then I would be able to tell them about life in France.

As I said for more information. Have a look at the website.

Do we have groups like this for women in France?



At 11:21 PM, Blogger Mandin Music Mix said...

to juliet

I think i's a very good association but why is it only for women ? it will be better for all people (men and women)
I don't know if there is the same thing in France
have a very nice week-end

At 3:11 AM, Blogger Mandin Music Mix said...

Thanks Christiane for your message. I know it might seem strange but I think that at the beginning it was an opportunity for women to get out of the house and do something for them. I like this idea.


At 2:58 PM, Blogger Mandin Music Mix said...

Hi Juliet

You are quite right about the reasons for the start of NWR. I do not think it is a problem at all to have only women sometimes! I do not mind if men want to meet up together without us.It is interesting that some people think it is not a good idea.

I will let you know if anyone else from NWR wishes to join in the blog.

Have a Happy Christmas.



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