Solihull penfriends

Let's communicate in our own languages and learn how similar our differences may be!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Deux messages en deux jours!! mais ne vous inquiétez pas, je me ferai oublier ensuite!
Car, malgré ma jambe "platrée", je pars en Espagne...Ollé!!
"Nous" partons pour Denia, la ville jumelle de Cholet en Espagne;
José, notre merveilleux président de l'association "Cholet-Denia"nous emmène découvrir quelques sites de son pays bien-aimé.
Quelle chance nous avons cette année! après le merveilleux voyage à Solihull au mois de mai (mille fois merci, Juliet, c'était super), nous allons vivre à l'heure espagnole, et déguster la paella!
Oui, pas de doute, avec notre fille aînée qui vit en Allemagne(nous en arrivons), nous avons le plaisir de nous sentir très européens!
Vive nos villes jumelles!
Ces quelques lignes cadrent-elles dans "l'esprit" du Blog? Car en me relisant, celà approche un peu le "journal intime"!!!
Dites moi si celà vous a ennuyé!!! Ou faites moi partager vos expériences similaires.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hy Solihull penfriends !

Here Maryvonne Ferchaud!

I keep (as well as my husband) an excellent memory of our trip to Solihull. It was so friendly!

I'm Patricia Martin's penfriend. I recently sent her a very long email.

Greetings to her, to Lindsey, and to all french learners.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Great idea !!

Hey, this is a great idea ! I'm an english woman living in France, just down the road from Juliet. She's actually sitting on my sofa having a cup of tea !! Typical french behaviour ! Can I play that game too ? Guess where I am ?

Sorry you'll have to be patient..... the photo IS coming soon !!


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm going to give the 2 codes to all future members then it'll be easier for you to join up. So all you need to do is type them in and then add a message. Please consult your emails and then give it a go. Good luck to everyone.

I'd like to ask you a question to get the ball rolling. What do you think about the new French law that'll ban smoking in bars!! Please click on comment and tell me what you think.

Don't forget to write your name at the end of the message.

Bye for now
